Blanka Coufalová

Toby and Matty

We are pleased to announce that our second son Matyas has been making us happy since mid-July 2020. And he has become a sibling to his brother thanks to your help… so we have two helios babies at home
We thank the whole team of Sanatorium Helios for everything and send all our love

Toby and Matty Číst více


We would like to thank all the employees of the Helios Sanatorium for their help on the way to our baby. Many thanks especially go to prim. MUDr. Texl, who with his optimism and human approach always gives a person the strength not to lose the hope. With your help, we finally experienced the miracle in the belly and in October 2020, our beautiful son Matthew was born.

Matthew Číst více


We would like to thank you for helping us with our coveted baby. The transfer with you was successful on the first try and we still have one embryo frozen 🙂 Meda is a beautiful, healthy little girl and we are happy with her, which cannot be expressed in words.

Meda Číst více


We would like to inform you that our beautiful and healthy son Jacob was born. Thanks again to everyone who contributed to our happiness and joy.

Jacob Číst více


We would like to thank your sanatorium for perfect care, patience and top professional help.
Thanks to your amazing work, Simonka was born to us. We are and always will be really grateful. We will definitely go to you again for the next baby. Thank you once again.

Simonka Číst více


Good morning, we would like to inform you that our son Matt was born. He weighed 3200 g and had a length of 51 cm. Thank you once again

Matt Číst více

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